Bruce Ames' Longevity Vitamins - All 41 of Them


The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines longevity as, "A long duration of individual life." That's an admirable pursuit that can be enhanced through nutrition.

Bruce Ames Longevity Vitamins Doctor

Nutrition Scientist Dr. Bruce Ames, Ph.D., spent more than 10 years compiling a list of 41 vital nutrients he calls "longevity vitamins." These are nutrients studies have shown to be critical for long-term health. He says adequate consumption of these vitamins, minerals and other elements is the key to healthy aging.

What Dr. Ames Found

Using his own research and the findings of other respected scientists, Ames identified a key class of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital to longevity and staving off chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer and others. Ames believes his research has shown the potential to extend a healthy life is found in ingesting optimal levels of 30 known vitamins and essential minerals along with 11 other vital nutrients not currently classified as vitamins. Those 41 elements are what he calls longevity vitamins.

What is the Triage Theory?

Similar to the way a battlefield medic stabilizes the less wounded so he can devote his time to critically wounded soldiers, Dr. Ames said the human body ration's nutrients, prioritizing immediate survival over long-term physiological health when there is not enough to go around. That's why it's important to not only get all of the essential nutrients your body needs to survive, but at quantities that allow your body to thrive.

"The triage theory provides a unifying rationale for why modest V/M (vitamin and mineral) deficiencies — insufficient to elicit overt symptoms of severe deficiency — might contribute significantly to the aging process and the diseases of aging," Ames said. "A major aspect of degenerative aging is that the damage is insidious and clinically not obvious because it accumulates slowly over time and is apparent only later in life. The connection to V/M shortages is underappreciated.”

What Happens When You Don't Have Enough?

Unfortunately, this rationing in the face of nutrient deficiencies can lead to dire consequences. For instance, when there is a chronic deficiency in vitamin K the body produces fewer enzymes required for keeping the arteries clear of calcium deposits, which has been linked to higher rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease.

“Because nutrient deficiencies are highly prevalent in the United States and elsewhere, appropriate supplementation and/or an improved diet could reduce much of the consequent risk of chronic disease and premature aging," Ames said.

lack of longevity vitamins leads to health problems.

So Many People are Nutrient Deficient Which Leads to Health Problems

Using as a reference the estimated average requirement (EAR) value, the level which is adequate for half of the population and inadequate for the other half, Ames said research shows as many as 70 percent of Americans are deficient in one or more key nutrients. The numbers he cites in terms of deficiency for known vitamins is: vitamin D, 70%; vitamin E, 60%; magnesium, 45%; calcium, 38%; vitamin K, 35%; vitamin A, 34%; vitamin C, 25%; zinc, 8%; vitamin B6, 8%; folate, 8%.

And that's just the vitamins and minerals which have been classified as such and for which a level has been established. The other nutrients that have not yet been classified as vitamins are not as common and their intake is likely much lower.

“Diet is very important for our long-term health and this theoretical framework just reinforces that you should try to do what your mother told you: eat your veggies, eat your fruit, give up sugary soft drinks and empty carbohydrates,” Ames said.

The List of Longevity Vitamins from Dr. Bruce Ames

The full list of 41 longevity vitamins identified by Dr. Bruce Ames includes:

  • vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • vitamin B2
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B12
  • biotin
  • vitamin C
  • choline
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • folic acid
  • vitamin K
  • niacin
  • pantothenate
  • calcium
  • chloride
  • chromium
  • cobalt
  • copper
  • iodine
  • iron
  • manganese
  • magnesium
  • molybdenum
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • selenium
  • sodium
  • sulfur
  • zinc
  • taurine
  • ergothioneine
  • pyrroloquinoline quinone
  • queuine
  • lutein
  • zeaxanthin
  • lycopene
  • alphacarotene
  • betacarotene
  • betacryptoxanthin
  • astaxanthin

Where to Find Those Longevity Vitamins

Living Fuel founder KC Craichy

Independent of Ames’ research and years before his work on the subject began KC Craichy, the founder of Living Fuel, was on a quest of his own. It started as a mission to restore the health of a friend. And once that was assured it evolved into a mission to create the most nutritional meal in existence.

Craichy was driven to understand nutrition’s role in our health and reviewed many of the same medical journals and reports Ames would eventually use to compile his list. Armed with that information he wound up creating a whole-meal superfood that is so nutritious it replaces a countertop full of supplements.

SuperBerry Ultimate with all 41 longevity vitamins

Living Fuel is the ONLY Food that Contains Every Longevity Vitamin

Living Fuel super meals contain ALL of the longevity vitamins from Dr. Bruce Ames’ list and much more. That’s why it is considered the "World’s Most Nutritious Meal". They are expertly crafted to deliver the most essential qualities of many of the best-known foods in nature in a single meal.

Living Fuel Contains More than 110 Nutrients Your Body Needs!

Living Fuel is the only whole-meal smoothie powder formulated to help your body combat all four pillars of disease and aging:

  • Inflammation
  • Oxidation
  • Glycation
  • Angiogenesis

benefits of living fuel

Living Fuel is the only food in existence that is designed to support all 12 bodily systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary) including every cell, system and organ of the body.

Super Meals are formulated to:

  • Boost your energy, vitality and mental clarity
  • Enhance your immunity
  • Improve digestion and elimination
  • Stimulate your metabolism
  • Increase muscle and bone density
  • Stabilize blood sugar and reduce cravings

SuperGreens with all 41 longevity vitamins

Ready to be truly NUTRIFIED with all the longevity vitamins your body craves? Find Your Flavor Below

Living Fuel super meals come in two varieties so whether you are a "greens" fan or like the taste of berry there is a formula for you. Each is loaded with all the nutrition you need and it's he easiest way to get all 41 longevity vitamins. Don't bother maintaining a counter top full of vitamin supplements when all it takes is adding Living Fuel to your daily routine.

As KC Craichy likes to say, "Living Fuel can add more years to your life and more life to your years."

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